(32 replies, posted in Suggestions)

Natali showed the 100 and 300k badges in the respective threat. So maybe they have not been activated yet.


(32 replies, posted in Suggestions)

SPT @ home seems to award badges now!


(1 replies, posted in Bug reports)

According to them they get exported on their side every day. So Signature needs to update please. The last three badges from RakeSearch still don't show.


(0 replies, posted in Suggestions)

CompositeGrid awards badges linke PrimeGrid. Sebastién, can you include that project please?

Great news! Dear admin while you are at it please check also the Amicable numbers "pairs" badges. Mine is still missing completely and the Wan der Waerden Numbers. Thanks.

Hello Michael. I had been wondering if the problem was maybe on the Amicable projects end but the badges seem to get exported alright as they show correctly under Free-DC. Unfortunatetly there are other badges missing on Free-DC which show under signature.statseb. Very strange. In the past weeks I already sent a few emails to the admins of this site but didn't get a reply. Maybe busy with other things...

I have the same problem with Amicable numbers. With Rake search I am missing only the "December findings" at the moment which still doesn't show in the list of available badges. The last one I am missing is the first Wan der Worden Numbers badge which also shows as "actual" under next badges.

Lately I was awarded the 50k badge under VdWN and it shoes under next badges as current but not in the signature. Does anybody else have that problem?


(3 replies, posted in Bug reports)

I have a problem with MLC too. I was awarded the 10k, it shoes on their website and under "next badges" as current, but not in the signature. Could it be that the signature stays one badge behind?