(2 replies, posted in Suggestions)

Thank you for the detailed response! You are right and the RAC badges, and I see my SRBase badge now.



(2 replies, posted in Suggestions)

I have been doing SETI, then BOINC, for 15.5 years. I was focusing on 4-5 projects, but recently I signed up for 45. Some of them are newer projects. And, today I discovered this "Signature for BOINC users" service for a badge signature, so started using it. In the process, noticed a few projects where the project site tells me that I have a badge from them, but my signature here doesn't show it. Looking at the list of projects listed here, these projects seem not to be on the list of projects being harvested from. Maybe there was a discussion about them before, but I'll list them here, in case any slipped through the cracks.

  • ATLAS@Home

  • FiND@Home

  • Moo! Wrapper

  • SETI@Home

  • YAFU

Looking at the above, I am wondering if the "top x%" badges do get ignored here?...

  • SRBase (on your list, but my "10K total credit" badge doesn't show up in my signature; problem?)

Thanks for listening